Race season of 2024 is now over and out. Even though Mikko was on the train whole season we could not make it to the Finnish line with steady runs but ended like quitting, coming out earlier than deadline or just walking the last 10 hours of ultras like European and Finnish 24-hour Rogaining Championships and 5-days Lapland Wilderness Challenge. Former Mikko has been able to run injury-free but now it seems he is ruined with problems like permanent obesity and broken ankle.

On the final race of the season in Marathon of Dangers I also had to quit after leading the chase pack for first 2 hours. The muscles felt relaxed and the moves were easy but still there wasn’t enough power for all the hills up and down. I assume the lack of training is somehow related to the sustainability because now with the bar also the restaurant works. The shotbelt is just stable and easy to use fitting all the survival candies and gels in handy package.

On the treason case the prosecutor is still figuring out how to a) hide the tunnels and b) charge us for revealing them so good luck! For me it seems as Mission Impossible but let’s see if they can do it. At least my phones, laptops etc. still remain in illegal custody. Police just cannot steal someone’s items without renewing the custody every 4 months. When they missed that deadline on July 2023 they just had to choose the unlawful path and you know what happens along that trail. More games on the court where you just need more lying judges and witnesses to keep it somehow looking like legal. For us and our followers the things look like comedy so also the meme level has now been reached. Maybe even permanently like Paavo Väyrynen has done 🙂

On the tourism sector I have now finished the studies on international digital marketing. It seems that the whole field of industry has been controlled by big operators creating more rules while the apps and other digital platforms just ruin them. When former the customer ordered the travel package from travel agency which controlled the tour operator and the real producers of the services (like guides, drivers etc.) nowadays you just order the service straight from the activity provider. Digitalized, translated and transparented services with valid reviews just make it so easy for people to trust and order straight online while the prices still keep reasonable and cheap. If the service is too expensive, queued, complicated etc. poor quality you just get the bad reviews and miss the position of the valid provider in the digital world. For me it seems that I’m valid because I already have bookings on almost every day for December which is my main month of the tourist activities while the health fairs are on leave. So let’s keep the steady pace at least here in Sea Lapland where the sea hopefully still freezes and the skiing season also starts already in November!

t. Vapaa